TMI Executive & National Council
TMI Executive
The TMI Executive are elected from the membership at the Annual General Meeting, with each Board member serving a two year term. The Executive Board deliver the strategic direction and day to day operation of TMI. They meet four times per year, working by e-mail and phone in between meetings. In addition to the Officers (President, Vice President, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer), remaining Board members are expected to take responsibility for a specific area of TMI’s work, such as Events, Communications, Professional Development and Policy, and to chair actual or virtual working groups as appropriate.
The current Executive Board members are:

Kathryn Davis FTMI

Vice President
Rebecca Frall

TMI Past President
Tom Pridmore

Head of Events
Robin Barker FTMI

Hon Secretary
Amanda Lumley FTMI

Head of Policy and Advocacy
Lydia Rusling

Head of Sustainability
Alison Burgh

Hon Treasurer
Fran Downton

Head of Professional Development
Dr Maeve Marmion
Head of Membership

Head of Communications
Mary Harris

Project Manager: TMI Recognition Scheme
Joyce Cawthorpe
TMI National Council
TMI has a network of National and Regional Representatives. Together with a number of members co-opted to represent specific sectors or interests, and the members of the Executive Board, they make up the TMI National Council which meets twice a year to act as a consultative and supportive body for the Executive. TMI’s current National, Regional and co-opted representatives, along with list of university partners are set out on the attached Regional Map:
Regional Representatives:
Shaon Talukder
Geotourist Ltd
East of England
Asa Morrison
Visit Great Yarmouth/Greater Yarmouth Tourism and Business Improvement Area
South West
Laura Campbell
Laura Campbell
West Midlands
Alex Holmes
Yorkshire & the Humber
Peter Robinson
Leeds Beckett University
Scotland North
David Jackson
Regional Director, Visit Scotland
North East
Michelle Gorman
Managing Director - Visit County Durham
Student Representatives
In process of recruiting
South East
Could it be you? If interested please contact Graham Haynes
Phil Evans
Eastbourne Borough Council/Lewes District Council
British Destinations
Peter Hampson
British Destinations
Kevin Millington
Acorn T-Stats Limited